2019-2020 Collegiate Advisory Board

Sandra Kong| Co-Chair

Co-Chair, Team HBV Collegiate National Advisory Board

Location: Palo Alto, CA

Email: chair.collegiate@teamhbv.org

Sandra is a sophomore studying Computational Biology and Human Rights at Stanford. She has been involved with Team HBV since her freshman year, first as the Social Chair in 2017-2018 and now as the Co-Chair in 2018-2019. Inspired by the impact of Hepatitis advocacy in the US, she has expanded her Hepatitis advocacy globally as the US Ambassador for the Myanmar Liver Foundation. As Co-Chair for ABoard, Sandra is looking forward to encouraging inter-collegiate collaboration and communication, creating exciting opportunities for Team HBV members to deepen their participation in the #JoinJade movement, and provide resources to ensure chapter longevity.



Joanna Song | Co-Chair

Location: Stanford, CA

Email: chair.collegiate@teamhbv.org


Joanna is a sophomore at Stanford University who is planning on majoring in Bioengineering and minoring in Computer Science. She first got involved with Team HBV during her freshman year during which she served as the Fundraising Officer, and this year, she serves as the secretary for the Stanford chapter. While on the advisory board, she hopes to support Team HBV chapters in any way she can as well as hopefully expanding the organization’s reach and becoming more involved with international efforts that aim to eradicate hepatitis B.

Sally|Outreach Advisor

Email: outreach.collegiate1819@teamhbv.org


Sally is the Outreach Advisor of the Team HBV Collegiate National Advisory Board. She first joined Team HBV in 2017 as she has been very passionate about advocating for policy changes toward the amelioration of significant health disparities, especially those surrounding the health issues of liver cancer and hepatitis B which disproportionately affect minority populations. While on the advisory board, some of her greatest passions include advocacy as the Team HBV representative on Capitol Hill and navigating collaborations with Team HBV’s national/international partners and projects. By advancing Team HBV’s current national advocacy efforts, she looks forward to deepening the impact Team HBV has as well as our commitment to the #JoinJade movement!

Andrew Kang | Regional Advisor

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Email: regional.collegiate@teamhbv.org


Andrew Kang is currently a first-year at UCLA majoring in biochemistry. He first joined Team HBV as a sophomore in high school after attending the Youth Leadership Conference at Stanford University. As a regional advisor, Andrew hopes to foster and encourage communication between collegiate chapters and organize collaborative efforts in the name of hepatitis B awareness. In his spare time, he enjoys playing the piano and clarinet, visiting escape rooms, and dining out with friends.



Bella Husted | Regional Advisor

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Email: regional.collegiate@teamhbv.org


Bella is a junior studying Biology at UCLA. She joined Team HBV her Sophomore year of college and has since become increasingly involved. Bella was initially attracted to Team HBVs’ welcoming atmosphere and soon came to grow a passion for community outreach and all things Hepatitis B. Bella aspires to increase communication amongst chapters and to aid in each of their individual goals as one of this year’s Regional Advisors. She believes that providing resources and support to Team HBV chapters is essential for helping eradicate the Hepatitis B virus and to further spread the #joinjade campaign to as many corners of the nation as possible.



Christine Quigg | Recruitment and Training Advisor

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Email: recruitment.collegiate@teamhbv.org


My name is Christina and I am currently a 4th year biology major at UCLA. I am currently the VP of Administration at the UCLA chapter. I was drawn to Team HBV way back during my freshman year by the club’s warm and friendly environment. While I came for the people, I stayed for what Team HBV is about and everything we do to try to help the community. Through Team HBV, I have grown so much as both a leader and as a person. Now as the Recruitment and Training Advisor, I want to set up new chapters on the west and east coasts as well as create and introduce new training methods to better all the chapters.


Sarah Seo | Public Relations Advisor

Location: Berkeley, CA

Email: pr.collegiate@teamhbv.org



Sarah is a freshman studying Molecular and Cell Biology at UC Berkeley. She joined Team HBV during high school at Davis Senior High School and continued her involvement in Team HBV during college. During high school, she was part of the Team HBV International Outreach Committee where she participated in an outreach trip to China and was also the president of her high school chapter. As the Public Relations Advisor this year, she hopes to reach out to the public more effectively than ever about the significance of Hepatitis B.



2019-2020 Collegiate Advisory Board

2018-2019 Collegiate Advisory Board

2017-2018 Collegiate Advisory Board 

2015-2016 Collegiate Advisory Board

2014-2015 Collegiate Advisory Board

2012-2013 Collegiate Advisory Board

2011-2012 Collegiate Advisory Board

2010-2011 Collegiate Advisory Board