Mira Loma High School, Sacramento California
President: Richard Duan
Vice President: Tori Tateishi
Secretary: George Liu
Treasurer: Linhchi Nguyen
Email: richard.duan2@gmail.com
Benefit Concert:
We did a benefit concert and raised funds to donate to the Asian Liver Center.
Plushie Making
As an activity, our club got together to make small HBV plushies for fun and to educate our club members further about HBV while bonding.
Presentations at Great Wall Chinese School – February 2, 2013
Officers Willy Ju and Marcello Chang visited Great Wall Chinese School in order to give presentations to the children learning Chinese. They visited two classrooms with kids from the Chinese School’s Grade 6 and 7. The students in those classes ranged from 12-14 years old and were mostly Chinese. We passed out flyers and gave a quick ten minute presentation discussing the dangers of Hepatitis B and emphasized the necessity of getting tested and protected. We managed to impact about 40 students directly, because each class has about 20 kids. These students were given brochures to pass on to their parents, so the event was fairly successful. However, the negative part was that we were not able to have any of the club member or other officers attend.
Guest Speaker at Mira Loma High School – February 11, 2013
We invited guest speaker Mie-Na Srein from the ALC at Stanford University to come to our school and give a presentation to some of students at our school as a form of an outreach event. She gave a small 20 minute presentation to and played a Questionnaire game with the Chinese students of Mrs. Yang’s 3rd period class. They also received small gifts such as the tattoos from her and were encouraged to spread the message. The team HBV chapter presented her with a gift and a card for her help.
Bake Sale Mira Loma High School – February 13, 2013
he Mira Loma HBV team held a bake sale after school on the Mira Loma campus. We sold snacks and desserts such as: cookies, brownies, rice krispies, candy, and donuts. We were able to sell almost all of it, and had a total of over $80. Club members and officers Palak Khanna, Emily Duan, Marcello Chang, Willy Ju, Simon Zhen, Preethi Raju, and Helen Wakefield all either helped sell food at the bakes sale, donated food, or both. We put the money into our club account at school to use in case we needed funds for outreach events or to donate to the ALC. We were able to raise about $80, which gave us a solid base for money in case we needed it later.
Informational Booth at Scottish Rite Masonic Center – February 16, 2013
Club members Helen Wakefield, Trinh Tran, Simon Zhen, and I created an informational booth at a Lunar New Year Festival. At the festival, we set up a stand near the entrance with a tri-fold that included information on Hepatitis-B and had a small quiz-game that we used to interest other people. We passed out Chinese candy and small prizes, such as tattoos and LIVERIGHT bracelets to children that won, and brochures to adults that passed by. We managed to pass out all of our brochures and gathered the interest of several other health organizations in our area. I took their contact information and we had a news journalist interested in publishing an article about the chapter.
Fortune Cookie Pass-out at Mira Loma High School Quad Area – May 28, 2013
The officers of the ML chapter held an outreach event during the Mira Loma Day of the Mat. We ordered custom fortune cookies with Hep-B facts printed on the fortunes from a website and used the funds from our club fund. We ordered 100 cookies and passed them out during that day in order to spread awareness and recruit potential club members. We managed to pass out about 80 during school, and passed the rest out to the students at Great Wall Chinese School.