May 7th through 11th was the highlight of UW Team HBV. From support of members and fellow UW students, we were able to follow through with all our goals for HBAW 😀
May 7th:
- Little People Big Message with UW Student Leaders from different registered student associations (participants varies from following clubs: Lambda Phi Epsilon, Minority Association of Pre-Health Students, UHELP, UW Prepharmacy, Chinese Student Association, Vietnamese Student Association, Team HBV) posted inside bathroom stalls and bulletin boards.
- Table for Hep B campaign and give away free button pins and jade ribbons for signatures and sell plushies

May 8th:
- Green balloons with Hep B facts tied to bike racks all around campus
- Table for Hep B campaign and give away free buttons and ribbons for signatures
- Sell plushies

May 9th:
- Attend Hepatitis B Forum
- Wear green and get a free bag of candy
- Table for Hep B campaign and give away free buttons and ribbons for signatures
- Pi Alpha Phi and Team HBV Pineapple Lemonade Sale
- Plushie Sale

May 10th:
- Table for Hep B campaign and give away free buttons and ribbons for signatures

May 11th:
- Free PizzaNite: Hepatitis B in Asian Americans with Dr. Chia Wang, Second Year Med. Students Eric Sid and Nicole Kim.
- Table for Hep B campaign and give away free buttons and ribbons for signature